Our School » Attendance/Tardy Policy

Attendance/Tardy Policy

Normal school hours are from 7:55 a.m. until 2:55 p.m. Students are asked to not arrive before 7:40 a.m. unless a coach or sponsor has arranged differently. Doors do not open for students until 7:50 a.m. Students must leave the campus promptly at 2:55 (except on Thursday at 1:50 p.m.) unless they are participating in a school sponsored activity.


Regular and prompt attendance is crucial to the development and education of our students. While we all know that good attendance benefits your child's education, we often overlook the importance of getting to class/school on time.

State attendance requirements are rigid with respect to the number of absences a student may have from school and still be promoted to the next grade level. Absences in excess of 10% of the number of school days are considered excessive by the Arizona Department of Education. Exceptions for chronic medical conditions are made for those students where this applies. Arizona State Statute requires students who are absent without an appropriate parent/guardian excuse shall be withdrawn from school; A.R.S. § 15-901 “Withdrawals include students formally withdrawn from schools and students absent for ten consecutive school days, except for excused absences identified by the department of education.”

Please try to schedule family vacations during break recess times and/or during the summer months. Excused absences are either parent excused or school excused.  Students are expected to excuse or clear an absence within two school days (48 hours) of the date of the absence. Absences not excused or cleared as excused within 2 days will automatically become unexcused.  In the event your child is ill or has an appointment, please contact the school attendance clerk at 520-459-8892.

When a student has had an excused absence from 1-3 days in duration, the student shall have one day for each day absent to make up their schoolwork. If the student will be absent for more than three (3) days, a parent or guardian should contact the office to obtain assignments. For any truancy absence, the time allotted to complete make up work and the amount of credit to be awarded will be at the discretion of each teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to make up all assignments for classes missed in conjunction with extracurricular activities or band performances. Students must attend school at least 3 class periods to participate in any extracurricular program scheduled for the same day.

TARDIES-  Morning Tardy Bell  @ 7:55 am be in class! Students who are on time for school are more inclined to take school commitments seriously. They respect others' time and needs. As a result, they do better in school. Being on time is a habit all students can learn. The best way to teach it to them is to model the habit yourself.
The school will enforce the following school policy for student tardies: The only "excused" tardies are for appointments and the parent must sign the student into the office. All other tardies are unexcused.
1st Tardy - Warning to student
2nd Tardy - Warning/first parent notification
3rd Tardy - Second parent notification and lunch detention
4th Tardy - Lunch detention and parent notified – future tardies will require a parent sign in.
5th Tardy - Admin referral- After school detention and parent phone conference with principal.  
Tardies, like absences, are reported in our student management system and are a part of the student record.
If a student is OPEN Enrollment excessive tardies can result in termination of open enrollment status/Withdraw.