Nurse Terra Whipple » Health Services/Nurse

Health Services/Nurse

Welcome to the Colonel Smith Middle School Health Services page. The health office is open on school days between 7:50 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and can be reached by telephone at (520) 459-8892 option 2 or by email at [email protected].
Please let the nurse know if your child has any medical concerns, allergies, chronic health conditions, or  requires medication at school. The health office will provide you with the necessary medical paperwork that allows the nurse to make appropriate accommodations for your child. Paperwork is required for students to self-carry medications to include over-the-counter medications and prescription medications.
In the event that your child needs Tylenol/Motrin during the school day, I will be calling you even if permission has been given. This is to make sure you have not already given it to your child before coming to school.
Athletic forms can can be submitted digitally through google classroom or to the main office. Please click on the athletic forms link for more information.

When should your child stay home from school:
Cold, Flu, COVID like symptoms without or with fever: For the 2021-2022 school year we continue to ask you to keep your child home even if they are fever free, but are feeling unwell with any of the following:
• fever of 100 and higher or chills
• shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• muscle aches
• sore throat
• headache
• fatigue
• congestion or runny nose
• cough
• vomiting
• diarrhea 
• new loss of taste or smell
Students may return when they are free from illness symptoms for 24 hours.
Antibiotics: Student that are prescribed antibiotics for a bacterial infection must wait 24 from the first dose of antibiotics before returning to school.
Fever: Students must be fever free (under 100.0) without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Flu: Students must be fever free (under 100.0) without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school and must be well enough to attend class in a comfortable manner. Please be aware that anti-viral medication (e.g. Tamiflu) is not the same as an antibiotic and while it does reduce symptom duration, it does not decrease transmission.
Tonsillitis or Strep Throat: Students must be recovered or have been taking antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.
Rash: Students with a rash should not be sent to school without a physician’s note for clearance.
Vomiting and/or Diarrhea: Students experiencing vomiting or diarrhea must be free of vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
Terra Whipple BSN, RN
Colonel Smith Middle School Nurse
(520) 459-8892 option 2